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"The Savannah Yacht Club is a family-oriented Club dedicated to member delight through exceptional services and quality facilities."


32° 01.1' N, 081° 01.13' W



The Savannah Yacht Club is a private, family-oriented club located on the Wilmington River on Whitemarsh Island in Savannah, GA. Originally organized on June 14, 1869 as the Regatta Association of Chatham County, the Association was succeeded seven years later on June 7, 1876 by the formal organization of the Savannah Yacht Club.

Offering a variety of recreational activities including sailing, boating, tennis, swimming and several dining options, our high member participation and enjoyment of the Savannah Yacht Club can be attributed to sound management and mindful planning by the Board of Stewards. Operational flexibility and an annual review of the policies, practices and planned projects will assure the Membership of the Club many years of continued success.

Daily Weather Update

When you hear the horn notifying campus of lightning being within 7 miles, evacuate the pool and the courts until you hear the three "All Clear" horns sound.